Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Horst-Dieter Westerhoff, Strukturgesellschaft, Berlin

Managing director of Gesellschaft zum Studium strukturpolitischer Fragen e.V. (Strukturgesellschaft), Berlin

Horst-Dieter Westerhoff

Born in 1941 in Iserlohn, he studied economics and earned a doctorate at Münster University. After activities at Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Institute for Economic Research of North Rhine- Westphalia), Essen and in the CDU/CSU parlamentary group he was team leader in the Federal Chancellery from 1989 to 2006. He since worked in several positions (industrial policy, European policy, foreign trade, media). Presently he is responsible for the area statistics and demography, he is honorary professor for statistics at University of Duisburg-Essen.

Prof. Dr. Westerhoff is managing director of the Strukturgesellschaft, Berlin.

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