
InGeoForum focuses its activities on the application of geo-information and geo-information-based solutions. The services InGeoForum renders for its members and the geo-information industry are part of this aim.

The instruments of the Forum

  • Seminars and information events
    In the scope of information events different topics or application areas of geo-information are prepared from various points of view and discussed in public events.
  • RoundTable
    In the scope of a RoundTable series of events the market for geo-informaton is addressed in detail as well as the potential and the obstacles that must be overcome to open the market for geo-information. For RoundTable events InGeoForum temporarily cooperates with an association or a neutral organisation of the particular market. The geodata world within a RoundTable is represented by members of the Forum.
  • InGeoForum-Projects
    InGeoForum accompanies and initiates pre-competitive projects with strategic relevance for the geodata market. As mediator between users, represented by representatives of the particular markets, and providers, represented by members of InGeoForum, the Forum especially acts as moderator for the internal and external communication.

Additional support and services for Forum members and geodata users include:

Constructive mediation … between user and provider

InGeoForum brings the different interest groups on the geeodata market in touch with relevant contact persons and into particular application areas for geo-information. In this context the Forum provides information about:

  • Legal conditions of the use of geodata
  • Data protection and data security measures
  • Data access methods or delivery details
  • The price structure of the providers

and assists you in finding cooperation partners for the GI product development and GI marketing.

Consequent support … of the data integration

  • Information on geodata and how it can be integrated and used
  • Consultation on different methods for the integration of geodata in applications and processes
  • Information on the space covered and the up-to-dateness of the data
  • Information on quality features of the subject-related data stocks

InGeoForum Events


GI & Innere Sicherheit | Netzwerkveranstaltung Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei (DHPol) & InGeoForum

Contact us

Phone: +49 (0)6151/155400
Fax: +49 (0)6151/155410

Fraunhoferstraße 5
D-64283 Darmstadt



Become a member