
Constructive mediation between user and provider


  • Informs about the tasks and objectives of the data providers
  • Can give you the relevant contacts of the providers
  • Allows to compare between providers of GIS, data providers and service providers
  • Informs about:
    • legal conditions of the use of geeodata
    • data protection and data security measures
    • data access methods and delivery modalities
    • the pricing of the providers
  • Assists you in finding cooperation partners for GI product development and GI marketing

Consequent support for data integration


  • Informs about geodata that can be used after integration
  • Provides advice about different methods of geodata integration
  • Informs about coverage and up-to-dateness of the data
  • Informs about quality features of the specialised data stocks

The basis for successful cooperations

The primary goal of InGeoForum is to create space for and stimulate the generation of new ideas and concepts. This includes the long-term aim to make the geodata market more and more transparant, efficient and commercially usable. In this connection institutions and companies have the opportunity to develop and implement projects in cooperation with other partners within the scope of InGeoForum. These InGeo consortia founded to increase efficiency are processing the results of the joint project work in a way that they can be picked up by commercial service providers. A successful example for such a project work is the InGeo Information Center.

We support your goals through to successful completion

You have innovative ideas for new projects, products or services!
You need competent support for the realisation of your ideas!
InGeoForum can give you wide support on a neutral platform.

  • When you address us we will seize your ideas and discuss them with you.
  • We will support you with the necessary market analyses and assessments up to a comprehensive marketing consulting.
  • If services of third parties will be necessary for the realisation of your ideas we will assist you as intermediary in the coordination and communication through to the formation of market- or product-oriented consortia.
  • In legal questions up to the preparation of contracts we offer you our professional support.
  • You can also use InGeoForum as a platform for the presentation and publicising of the products, services or project results.

You will decide on the degree of confidentiality you wish and on the extent of the needed support!

If you are interested you are welcome to contact us without any obligation: info(at)ingeoforum(dot)de.

InGeoForum Events


GI & Innere Sicherheit | Netzwerkveranstaltung Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei (DHPol) & InGeoForum

Contact us

Phone: +49 (0)6151/155400
Fax: +49 (0)6151/155410

Fraunhoferstraße 5
D-64283 Darmstadt



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