Rules of procedure
You can download the InGeoForum rules of procedure as PDF document.
Information systems are increasingly gaining in importance for effectively supporting decision-makers and for satisfying the information needs of the industry and the public. In this general trend the so-called geo-information systems play a special role. They provide computer-supported data for decision-making based on regional constellations and the spatial infrastructure. Applications can be equally found in the field of public planning and administration, environmental protection, telecommunication, supply and disposal, marketing, etc.
The data collected and used in the geo-information systems are a widely distributed information volume, content and usability, however, are presently only insufficiently known and available to a wide range of users. They ought to be included in an information network and distributed for a wide range of users.
The obvious need for action has encouraged Ingenieurkammer (Chamber of Engineers) Hesse, Hessisches Landesvermessungsamt (Land Surveying Office), Hessische Technologiestiftung (Technology Foundation), Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, and the Geodetic Institute of Technische Universität Darmstadt to establish the geodata market initiative group Initiativkreis Geodatenmarkt. The initiative group has dealt with the analysis of the relatively new market and developed opportunities of an improved marketability of the commodity geodata for Hesse.
One of the most important results of the work of the initiative group is the establishment of the Information and Cooperation Forum for Geodata.
Contact us
Phone: +49 (0)6151/155400
Fax: +49 (0)6151/155410
Fraunhoferstraße 5
D-64283 Darmstadt