Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dorota Iwaszczuk (PhD)
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Leitung des Fachgebiets Fernerkundung und Bildanalyse
I am Professor at TU Darmstadt and lead the Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Group.
My research interests focus on sensor fusion, semantic labeling, deep learning, 3D reconstruction, pattern recognition, IR-thermography, and crowdsourcing.
In my PhD thesis, entitled “Automatic texturing of 3D models of urban areas using image sequences from airborne TIR cameras” I investigated, among others, the influence of statistical uncertainties on the co-registration of 3D building models and thermal image sequences.
I also worked with data fusion, including fusion of hyperspectral images with digital surface models, multi-scale fusion of thermal images, smartphone data fusion as well as on semantic labeling and creation of 3D indoor models.
In the first half of 2018 I was on sabbatical leave at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, USA working on the project “From Point Clouds and Images to Semantic Information: A Case Study for Indoor-Outdoor Building Modeling”.
Subsequently, I continued my research work on semantic labeling, deep learning and indoor-outdoor mapping at the Technical University of Munich.
Current position since Mar. 2019: Professor of Remote Sensing and Image Analysis, Technische Universität Darmstadt
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